Quotient: the result of division (the answer)
Dividend: the number divided
Divisor: does the dividing
Division of Whole Numbers:
-For any whole numbers r and s, with s cannot = 0, the quotient of r divided by s, written r/s, is the whole number k, if it exists, such that r = s x k.
-Sharing (Partitive) Concept
Suppose you have 9 basketballs, which you want to divide equally among 3 people. How many basketballs would each person receive?
Solution: The answer can be determined by separating the basketballs into 3 equivalent sets. The following figure shows 9 balls divided into 3 groups and illustrates 9/3. The divisor 3 indicates the number of people.
Person 1
Person 2
Person 3
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This method is easy for kids to understand, because you can actually see the total number of basketballs being divided evenly.
-Measurement (Subtractive) Concept
Suppose you have 10 basketballs and want to give 3 tennis balls to as many people as possible. How many people would receive tennis balls?
Solution: The answer can be determined by subtracting, or measuring off, as many sets of 2 as possible. The following group of 10 basketballs shows the result of this measuring process and illustrates 10/2. The divisor 2 is the number of balls in each group, and the quotient 5 is the number of groups.
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This method of measurement (subtractive) concept is a different way to look at dividing. It allows the student to use something they are more comfortable with. Another perspective helps them understand division in a different way.
I can remember the sharing (partitive) concept by remembering that when you share, you want to give each person the same amount. So sharing=how many each person gets, or how many are in each group. I can remember the measurement concept by remembering that when you are measuring, you want to know how many or how much. So measurement= how many groups. I never really thought about the difference between the two concepts until it was taught in class. I can admit that I have learned quite a bit so far.